FAQs/ Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy is a form of medicine in which local anesthetic ( procaine ) is injected into certain spots such as surgical scars, infections, emotional trauma, etc. in an attempt to relief chronic pain or illness by finding and treating interference fields.
Other interference fields known are teeth, autonomic ganglia, sites of nerve entrapment, sites of somatic dysfunction, puncture sites.

Neural Therapy
How does Neural Therapy work

The tissues with interference fields have abnormal cell membrane resting potential. This creates electrophysiological instability and abnormal afferent signals.
Local anesthetic is injected to try and disrupt a type of electrical energy said to cause illness.
Procaine has a membrane-stabilizing effect, improving cellular metabolism and creating a healthier local environment.

Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy in Gynecology

The most common situations are:

  • Menstrual disorders, symptoms of the menopause
  • Urine infections
  • Acute and chronic gynecological infections
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Alterations in bladder function
  • Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia
  • Pelvic pain
  • Changes in libido
  • Infertility and sterility
Neural Therapy
Will Neural Therapy replace other therapies?

Neural Therapy is just another modality of treatment available to you.
A limiting factor in the success of Neural Therapy is the general medical condition of the patient. Neural Therapy is less effective in patients nutritionally deficient, toxic or chronically tired.

Neural Therapy
Does Neural Therapy have any side-effects?

Sometimes Neural Therapy injections may cause an increase in pain for a day or so.
A painful reaction usually indicates that the interference field is nearby.

Neural Therapy
Are Neural Therapy injections painful?

Neural Therapy injections can be painful.