Donagrup is a team of gynecologists from Barcelona founded in 2014 from the merge of the TST Group (Drs. Tusquets Sanfeliu and Twose) and IGMitre Group (Drs. Bassols and Marcet). Donagrup also consists of other professionals that got incorporated later, doctors Rubio Wheel Nicolau, Rodríguez, Gamero, Franco, Aran, Fernández and Masó.

The healthcare activity of the doctors from Donagrup takes place in the offices 141 and 173 of Vilana Clinic of the Centro Médico Teknon. Surgery, labor and delivery are attended in the Centro Médico Teknon, as well as the Hospital of Barcelona. Between all members of the team of Donagrup we cover such specializations as obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine.